How to Create 3D Effect Using Clipping Mask

Budi Kurniawan | 6:04 AM | 7 comments

Hello everyone, today I will tell you something special. We will learn about photoshop tutorials for medium designer. In this tutorial, I will use some techniques in Photoshop. So, you must read carefully to get the best result.

Photoshop Tutorials for Medium

In this tutorial I will use clipping mask, pen tool for select an object, magic wand tool for selecting same color on the object, and any more. Allright, this is it.
First, you will need some pictures. In this photoshop tutorial, I used the LED TV image and colibri bird picture. You can search the pictures in Google Image. Okay, let’s begin.

Creating LED TV Effect

  • Create a document in Photoshop with 1000 pixels of width and 700 pixels of height.
  • Then, insert the LED TV picture to document. You can directly drag the picture to document.

  • Now, we will delete the background of LED TV image. Select Magic Wand Tool, and then click on LED TV layer. After that click on the background of LED TV. Now the selected area bordered by dotted line. Press delete and deselect the layer with Ctrl + D.
  • Now, we will delete the display of LED TV. Use pen tool with paths mode to delete the screen. If you still confused to make a selection using pen tool, please read How To Create Selection Using Pen Tool. Press Ctrl + Enter and delete it, but don’t forget to deselect the layer. Now we get white screen LED TV.

Creating 3D effect

  •  It’s time to insert colibri picture to the document.
  • You can set the colibri picture into good position. Make sure the position of colibri picture passed LED TV layer. We will use the wing and rear end of colibri to make 3D effect. So, the wing and rear end must pass the screen.
  • Click on colibri layer, and make selection with pen tool. In this step I will use the bird only, so you should select the bird only. Press Ctrl + Enter for make a selection.
  • Now, select Rectangular Marquee Tool, then press right click on the selection and choose Layer via copy.
  • Now, make a selection like the screen of LED TV. Look at the picture for more detail.
  • Create new layer, and then press Ctrl + Backspace. After that deselect the selection.

  • Click on colibri layer, then choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask. Now we will see the 3D effect, but maybe the top layer doesn’t clean. Use blur tool to make better 3D effect.


Allright, that’s all for today. On the next post, we will learn more about photoshop tutorials. So, stay connect with this blog to get the tutorials.

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About Photoshop Tutorials Plus:
Photoshop Tutorials Plus is a blog which has many photoshop tutorials for beginners until Advanced


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  4. This tutorial is fantastic for medium-level designers! The step-by-step guide on creating a 3D effect with an LED TV and a colibri bird is easy to follow and very detailed. The use of clipping masks, the pen tool, and the magic wand tool is well-explained. Can't wait for more tutorials!
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